- Upcoming Interviews - 

  In a strange twist of fate, I've somehow ended ahead of the ball as far as future posts go. There's no guarantee how long this may last and dates and details are always subject to change, but as long as I'm on a roll, here's what you can expect over the next few weeks:

Sunday, September 2nd:

Quick Licks - A brief conversation with James Newman in which we discuss childhood, religious insanity, and when it's okay to draw a dick on a face.

Wednesday, September 6th:

Exclusive interview with author Steven E. Wedel, in which we discuss the challenges of doing it yourself, rats in the subway, and the importance of nailing down the end.

Sunday, September 9th:

Quicks Licks - Another brief conversation, this time with Jack Ketchum where we chat about kicking cancer's ass, what 35 years of scaring the hell out of readers means to him and the evolution of evil and goodness in humanity.

To be announced:

Quick Licks - Continuing my series of brief conversations, this time with Dean and Giasone Italiano, the dynamic duo from Canada who talk about creating music with a frightful twist, that thing about hackers in Russia, and what to expect from Skull Tavern.

Until next time, stay hungry and stay...Dark.


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